3 Ways to Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox in… | Newcastle Apartments
23 August 2024

3 Ways to Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox in Newcastle

The Autumn Equinox is coming up, which is the welcome of Autumn season as we say goodbye to the summer months. If you’ve never celebrated the Autumnal Equinox before, this is the year to start – here’s our recommendations.

Put your best foot forward

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Image Source: unsplash.com

We’re all guilty of dwelling on what could have been, but true growth is accepting what has happened and focusing on what comes next. Whether that be a negative relationship, toxic workplace, or even just negative habits, you can only change things as you move forward, so what’s the point of worrying about what has happened? We learn from the past, and we implement that learning in our future to make the best versions of ourselves. We love a good self-reflection moment, and the Autumnal Equinox is the perfect time to reflect and make those changes.

Improve your space

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Image Source: unsplash.com

We all deserve to live in comfort and feel at home in our space, but if you’re not loving how things are, this is the perfect time for a reset. Now don’t panic, we’re not talking full renovation and a whole new home, but there are plenty of changes that you can make that are less extreme while still being effective. We’re talking autumn vibes, scented candles, fairy lights, warm cosy blankets, things that make your space feel welcoming and cosy. It doesn’t take long for these additions to make a world of difference, and who doesn’t want a good excuse for a cheeky shopping trip?

Lean into a tradition

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Image Source: unsplash.com

If you’ve not celebrated the Equinox before, a great way to start is to follow some of the traditions. One of our favourites is to cook a nourishing meal, celebrating the harvest and enjoying a delicious, healthy meal. There’s all sorts of recipes you can follow, but our favourite has to be a thick, hearty soup with some chunky buttered bread for dipping. That’s how we’ll be celebrating, we can tell you that for free.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, we’d love to know what you get up to. Tag us on socials to share your Equinox with us.

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