8 ways you can stay fit in Newcastle without a… | Newcastle Apartments
04 August 2023

8 ways you can stay fit in Newcastle without a gym membership

We love going to the gym for several reasons, but whether you’re looking to get into better shape, or just prefer to use it as a stress reliever, we know that sometimes it’s an cost that you’d rather spend on a night out with friends or those spontaneous trips to Quayside Market.

We also know that there are plenty of ways to get active and feel good about yourself without having to pay for a gym membership, so sit back, relax, and prepare to get inspired for that run you’ve been putting off.

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Image Source: Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

Work out at home

There are all sorts of opportunities for you to get in a quick workout at home, for free! These are some of our tried and tested methods that worked wonders for us, and it just felt wrong not to share.

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Image Source: Photo by whereslugo on Unsplash

Free workout videos

Get yourself onto YouTube and you’ll find hundreds, if not thousands, of workout videos for every skill level. Ease yourself into it, or throw yourself into some of the more advanced ones if you’re feeling brave, and you’ll work up a sweat in no time.

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Image Source: Juan Camilo Navia on Unsplash

Have a dance party

Workout videos not your vibe? We don’t blame you; it isn’t for everyone. What might be a bit more up your street is to throw some of your best shapes and get your blood flowing that way. There are thousands of online videos for different genres of workouts that are designed around dancing to music, or if that doesn’t float your boat, just whack on your favourite tunes, and have a bit of a dance. It doesn’t take long to get into it, and it's way more fun than we first thought, trust us!

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Image Source: Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

Home yoga

Yoga is good for you in so many ways, especially your mind, body, and soul. The beauty of yoga is you can customise it to your preference and ability, so if you’re super flexible, then you can do all the fancy poses – but if you’re not, you can still absolutely nail a workout and feel good afterwards. Yoga is also a brilliant way to wind down and get into a really peaceful mindset, so a great choice if you’re feeling a bit burnt out or worked up. We recommend the lovely Yoga with Adrienne to find your zen, anytime.

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Image Source: mapartments.co.uk

Live somewhere with a gym

Now come on, we just had to, right? Not to big ourselves up too much, but we really came to play with this one.

Renting in Newcastle can make it difficult to find somewhere with a decent home gym in the building, and trust us when we say that none of them compare to ours. We heard you asking for a place to work out in style, just a few floors down from your apartment, and we DELIVERED. It’s also included in your rent – so you can use the best gym facilities in the city at no extra cost. We know – you’re welcome.

Get out and about

It can be hard to find the motivation to work out at home, which is why some people prefer to find ways to get out and about to get their heart rate pumping. So, if you fit into that category, we’ve got you covered.

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Image Source: Photo by Jeffrey Grospe on Unsplash

Walk when you can

This one might sound obvious, but it’s something a lot of people (yes, we mean us) miss. Get yourself out and about more and where you can, walk instead of taking transport. That 5-minute bus trip has just turned into a stunning 20-minute walk through the most iconic areas in the Northeast, so set yourself a target of steps per day to reach, and you’ll soon find ways to get that heart pumping.

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Image Source: Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Get out for a jog

A lot of people aren’t keen on the idea of jogging, but when you live on the Quayside and you have the best views in Newcastle, it’s hard to not go out and appreciate them. Jogging is a great option as you can choose how fast and how far you go – so you can make it work for you, and what’s better than running along the river?

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Image Source: Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash

Buddy up

One of the hardest things about getting out and being active is the motivation to do it, which is why pairing up with a friend is such a popular idea and something we practice religiously. It also means you’re held more accountable by your partner and can’t as easily throw the towel in if you’re not feeling it one day (this is a blessing and a curse, believe us).

It’s also a really good way to push yourself, as you can encourage each other and bring out the very best of you both, so what are you waiting for?

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Image Source: Photo by Jeffrey F Lin on Unsplash

Join a sports society

If you’re studying in Newcastle, then joining a sports society is a good way to not only get active but to make lifelong friends. There are loads of sports to pick from, and there will be a big mix of people attending, so you don’t need to worry about being a professional player – just go along, have a laugh, and see how it goes.

We’d love to know your best tips for staying active without going to the gym in the city, and if we’ve missed out on something you do, let us know on our socials!

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