5 Renter-friendly Ways to Decorate Your… | Manchester Apartments
08 September 2023

5 Renter-friendly Ways to Decorate Your Apartment for Halloween

Spooky Season is creeping in…


It’s not long until the dark nights draw in and the candles come out, Manchester coated in beautiful autumnal colours. Halloween conveniently sits right at the perfect time to get cosy and prepare yourself for the spooky season and celebrate the start of this time of year, so here are some ways that you can prepare your apartment with the best decorations. Oh, and how to settle yourself for the boo-tiful holiday of Halloween.

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Image source: unsplash.com

Shop Independent

Who doesn’t love a little holiday splurge? Well, we do! Why not visit the beloved Oklahoma, whose store used to sit right in the city centre? They have now moved online and have a fabulous range of holiday buys to get your apartment looking ever so flash it’ll give passers-by ‘pumpkin’ to talk about. You never know what you can find on their website so take a deep dive and see what tickles your fancy.

Get Creative

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Image source: unsplash.com

Spice up your walls

Want a creative way to give your home a Halloween feel without splashing the cash? Well, make it all about the art! If you already have wall art up in your home, replace these with Halloween-themed prints – there are many freely accessible online that you just need to print yourself at home, and Halloween prints can make a huge impact on your walls.

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Image source: unsplash.com

Blow yourself away…

One simple and affordable way of making your apartment ‘haunt’ it, is decorating your own balloons. A simple pack of balloons can cost you less than a coffee and can have a huge impact. By using a permanent marker and bringing out your inner child, allow yourself to go crazy and decorate the balloons to either be left to sit or be hung up around your apartment! Quick, easy, and cost-effective.

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Image source: unsplash.com

Cobwebs or String? We’ll never know!

Sometimes wool is not only good for making your own scarf – it’s time to make your own cobweb! If you have a high corner, table, or free space where you can decorate, why not make your own cobwebs with the use of your wool? It is an easy way to dress your free space up and even add in some extras – some pumpkins would do the trick.

Cooking Halloween
Image source: unsplash.com

Bon Appetit!

An effortless and tasty way to provide minimalistic décor you’re your apartment this Halloween is to bake. Put down your phone and get your apron on to bake some devilish goodies that can be displayed at home. With multiple effortless recipes to be found online, some taking less time than your daily commute, why not get grafting and let the heat of your oven fill your apartment with autumnal smells – and of course, give you a sweet treat to enjoy!

So, this Halloween, live on the ‘fright’ side, try something new to make your apartment spooky, and keep yourself entertained. With a range of activities to take part in within the city too, let's get this Halloween party ‘startled’!

We hope you have an amazing spooky season and please tag us in all your devilish DIY decorations on our socials!

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